CHURCH & PEACE is active, through members and contacts, in many European countries.
- conflict resolution
- mediation
- conscientious objection to war
- prayer for peace
- hospitality for the marginalised
- ... many other forms of peace service
WHAT DO WE DO ?CHURCH & PEACE members meet annually, in one the four language regions - German, French, English, Hungarian & Slavic
We gather with others every two years in an international conference. PUBLISH a newsletter in English, French and German and the thematic pamphlet series "Theology and Peace" in English, French, German, Hungarian and Serbian
VISIT one another and other groups, communities and churches for mutual support, celebration and worship
PARTICIPATE in international activities which help to promote peace and justice through nonviolent change
THEOLOGYBible study and theology underpin the activities of CHURCH & PEACE members and their dialogue with other Christians. This is linked directly with
through the training of those willing to make a long-term commitment to peacemaking. "Whoever loves life and would see good days peace and pursue it." I Peter 3 (NEB)Volunteer translators for our publications are always welcome. Write to one of our addresses:
- Germany
Church & Peace International Office Ringstrasse 14 D-35641 Schöffengrund Germany tel: +49 6445 5588 fax: +49 6445 5070 e-mail: [email protected]
- France
Église et Paix Louis & Bernadette Joly 5, rue du Mont Verdun F-69140 Rillieux la Pape Tel & Fax: +33 (0)4 78 88 87 25 [email protected]
- Hungary
Egyház és Béke H-8003 Székesfehérvár Pf. 7, Hungary e-mail: [email protected]
- Britain and Ireland
Church & Peace
20 The Drive, Hertford, SG14 3DF United Kingdom Tel: +44 1992 416 442 Email: [email protected]
 György Bulányi, the Hungarian Catholic priest and founder of the pacifist base community movement BOKOR. 
 At the 1995 Hamburg Protestant Church Assembly, a massive international event with thousands of young people participating.  Horticulture training for deprived adolescents, Collage orchards, Dublin. Supported by EIRENE, a corporate member of Church & Peace. 