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Találatok száma: 32 | [20051211] [besz?mol?, ny?lt lev?l] Jubilee letter: The BOCS Foundation has been registered 10 years ago (B?k?re nevel?s, B?ke, Er?szakmentess?g, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Filoz?fia, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, K?rnyezetv?delem, K?z?ss?g, Katonas?gmegtagad?s, Kereszt?nys?g, Mozgalom, Szerelem, Transzcendens) The summary of almost 30 years of work. [Részletek...] | [20080225] [anim?ci?, diavet?t?s, el?ad?s, j?t?k, oktat?program, tanulm?ny] Mother Earth feed us – as far as she is able to (?kol?gia, B?ke, Csal?d, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Term?szet) Participative and visualized game to understand the global crisis, ecological footprint and population growth as root of conflicts, poverty and destruction of nature. It suggests a rights based approach (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights). [Részletek...] | [20030823] [linkgy?jtem?ny] Justice link-collection (Igazs?goss?g) Articesl and links in the topic [Részletek...] | [20110622] [partnersite, website] Population Matters (?kol?gia, B?ke, Csal?d, Eg?szs?g, Emberi jogok, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Igazs?goss?g, K?rnyezetv?delem, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Szerelem, Tudom?ny) Az összes környezeti probléma megoldását megnehezíti, sőt lehetetlenné teszi az egyre nagyobb népesség. (David Attenborough) [Részletek...] | [20030607] [cikk, tanulm?ny, website] Website of the Bokor (Busch) movement and its founder, Gyorgy Bulanyi SchP (B?ke, Csal?d, Filoz?fia, Igazs?goss?g, Katonas?gmegtagad?s, Kereszt?nys?g, Mozgalom) Website of the Hungarian Catholic pacifist network of small communities (founded in 1945). [Részletek...] | [20061005] [anim?ci?] Animation on Ecological Footprint: How can we stop overburdening and degrading the Earth? (?kol?gia, B?ke, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?zgazdas?g, N?pesed?s, Politika) Based on the Footprint Network and WWF report introduced at June 14, 2005 in the European Parlament. [Részletek...] | [20060729] [sajt?k?zlem?ny] Legion d\'Honneur Award for Fr. Cedric Prakash (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, N?k egyenrang?s?ga) Cedric Prakash SJ megkapta a Francia Becsületrend lovagi fokozatát (pl. Mádl Ferenc köztársasági elnök is ezt kapta 1999-ben). [Részletek...] | [20051126] [tanulm?ny] Education for a Sustainable Development, UN Decade 2005-2014 (?kol?gia, B?ke, Eg?szs?g, Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?zgazdas?g, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Politika) Draft International Implementing Scheme, Jan. 2005, pdf, on the UNESCO webpage. [Részletek...] | [20031003] [besz?mol?, sajt?k?zlem?ny] Report of IMC-USA (Indian Muslim Council\\\'s First National Convention, Santa Clara, USA, June 28-30, 2003) (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Igazs?goss?g, Politika, Transzcendens) The Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award In Humanitarian Work was awarded to Fr. Cedric Prakash S.J. Who was Rafi Ahmed Kidwai? [Részletek...] | [20031012] [k?nyv] Martyrs of the Catholics in Hungary 1944-1989 (Emberi jogok, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?z?ss?g, Katonas?gmegtagad?s, Kereszt?nys?g, Mozgalom, Politika, Transzcendens) Documents collected by Gyula Havasy [Részletek...] | [20121113] [el?ad?s, tanulm?ny] Not aid only, but Sustainable Civilisation (?kol?gia, B?ke, Er?szakmentess?g, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Mozgalom) Lecture on \\ [Részletek...] | [20030713] [el?ad?s] Gujarat: A Year After (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Igazs?goss?g, Politika, Transzcendens) Talk of Fr. Cedric Prakash S.J. on the First Annual Convention of the Indian Muslim Council, Santa Clara, USA, on June 28th 2003. [Részletek...] | [20031012] [cikk, el?ad?s] Famine or Sharing (Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, N?pesed?s) Lecture, 28 Sept 2002, rice-dinner of half a thousand supporters of ESP, visit of Cedric Prakash SJ in Budapest. [Részletek...] | [20040214] [tanulm?ny] Small Town News: Gujarat in the Media and Memory of Aligarh (Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Mozgalom, Politika) Dissertation of Taran Khan, MSc in Development Studies of the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London). Her father (professor of history, leader of a trade union in Aligarh, India) was killed on 14th Febr, 2003. [Részletek...] | [20040104] [egyk?perny?s, ny?lt lev?l] Christmas letter of Cedric Prakash SJ, 2003 (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Kereszt?nys?g) Director of ESP school network in India, what we support since 1977, sent Christmas letter, as every year. [Részletek...] | [20130413] [tanulm?ny] UN – Empowering women key to food security (Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s) GENEVA – On 4th March a UN report was released by the UN's special rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter. Main message: improving education and the human right of family planning for women and girls dramatically reduce hunger. [Részletek...] | [20060905] [nyilatkozat] Speech of the French Ambassador and acceptance speech of Fr. Cedric Prakash sj on being conferred the CHEVALIER DE LA LEGION DE HONNEUR Award (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Kereszt?nys?g, Mozgalom, Politika) Embassy of France, New Delhi, July 14th 2006 [Részletek...] | [20110925] [el?ad?s, filmaj?nl?, oktat?program] Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs (Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Mozgalom, N?pesed?s, Politika) For those with poor arithmetic abilities: population explosion makes impossible to solve poverty, migration, climate change, hunger, conflicts, collapse of our civilisation... [Részletek...] | [20060108] [anim?ci?, cikk] Overpopulation of the earth is not happening because people want so many children. (?kol?gia, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Igazs?goss?g, N?pesed?s) Poverty can't be solved without stopping overpopulation. A szegénység nem oldható meg a népességrobbanás megfékezése nélkül. [Részletek...] | [20060811] [ny?lt lev?l] AN APPEAL FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE GUJARAT FLOODS (Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?rnyezetv?delem) Amikor végre hosszú szárazság után jön az eső, akkor viszont ömlik és áradásokat okoz. A természeti katasztrófa ma már nem természeti, hiszen többnyire emberi beavatkozás (pl. az áradást a hegyoldali erdőségek letarolása) okozza. [Részletek...] | [20100508] [partnersite] World Peace Database (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Er?szakmentess?g, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?rnyezetv?delem, Katonas?gmegtagad?s, Mozgalom, N?k egyenrang?s?ga) More than half a century an annual Peace Diary is published by Housmans. If you want to be in touch with other organisations around the world who are concerned with related issues, you can find them on the World Peace Database. [Részletek...] | [20040602] [ny?lt lev?l] Citizens Charter of Demands to the UPA Government (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Mozgalom, Politika) A group of concerned citizens and organizations for justice and healing in Gujarat. [Részletek...] | [20040315] [foly?iratsz?m] 1. Newsletter of Prashant Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace in India. (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Kereszt?nys?g, Mozgalom) Newsletter from Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ director [Részletek...] | [20040217] [foly?iratsz?m, website] Christianity and Justice, Cristianisme i Justícia (Igazs?goss?g, Kereszt?nys?g) Website of Centre d'estudis "Cristianisme i Justícia" (Lluís Espinal Foundation). [Részletek...] | [20040203] [nyilatkozat] Call Of The Social Movements and Mass Organisations (Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?rnyezetv?delem, Mozgalom, Politika) World Social Forum, Mumbai, India, January 2004 [Részletek...] | [20031003] [ismertet?, sajt?k?zlem?ny] 2003 Right Livelihood Awards (RLA) (?kol?gia, B?ke, Igazs?goss?g, K?z?ss?g, Mozgalom) The 2003 Right Livelihood Awards go to individuals and organisations from New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea and Egypt working for disarmament, justice, partnership and environmental sustainability. [Részletek...] | [20040504] [foly?iratsz?m] Prashant (Ahmedabad) Newsletter: Prajal No.2. (April 2004) (Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Kereszt?nys?g, Mozgalom, Politika) Prashant is a Human Rights Center, directed by Cedric Prakash SJ. [Részletek...] | [20040518] [cikk] The Indian People Have Spoken (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Politika) Verdict 2004 is indeed a momentous one as the people of India literally voted out the BJP-lead National Democratic Alliance. [Részletek...] | [20050131] [besz?mol?, sajt?k?zlem?ny] Towards an Ethics of Solidarity. Religion, Conflict and Peace Discussed at WSF (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Kereszt?nys?g, Mozgalom, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Politika) Issued by World Council of Churches. [Részletek...] | [20041214] [foly?iratsz?m] PRAJAL: a perioical devoted to Rights, Advocacy, Justice, Action towards Peace and Love (B?ke, Emberi jogok, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Kereszt?nys?g, Mozgalom, Politika) Newsletter No. 3. of the Prashant Human Rights Centre in Ahmedabad, India [Részletek...] | [20040811] [ny?lt lev?l] GUJARAT HIT BY ANOTHER TRAGEDY: AN APPEAL FOR HELP (Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Term?szet) ...droughts, floods, plague, epidemics of the highest proportions, the killer earthquake of 2001, the carnage of 2002 and now, these terrible floods. [Részletek...] | [20050418] [ny?lt lev?l] Hate Hurts Harmony works (Emberi jogok, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Mozgalom, Politika) Signature campaign [Részletek...] |