[20130725] [article] Access to contraception and family planning: share your stories (Family, Health, Human rights, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Sex) Highlight the disparity in access to family planning around the world. Has access to family planning ever been an issue for you? Has anything changed for better or worse? What myths about contraception exist in your community?[Details...]
[20130713] [recommend a program] Citizenship can be fun! (Human rights, Global Education, Movement, Politics) Fiatalok Lendületben program Székesfehérváron 2013. júl. 20-28. portugál, spanyol, olasz, bolgár, román, török, svéd résztvevőkkel. Programjából nyilvános két sportdélután: júl. 25. csüt. 16-20h Agárd, 26. fél 3 - fél 7. Fvár.[Details...]
[20130413] [film, interj?] “There is nothing that we can do” (Ecology, Global Education, Environmental education, Movement, Population, Nature, Tudom?ny) We work only on the technical aspects, but we neglect the population factor completely ... So we will fail, because growth of population and living standards are much greater than we would save through efficiency and alternative energy.[Details...]
[20130413] [film, interj?] We need to limit population growth or the natural world will do it for us. (Ecology, Global Education, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Politics, Nature, Tudom?ny) Describing mankind as a "plague on the Earth", veteran nature broadcaster Sir David Attenborough says we need to limit population growth or the natural world will do it for us.[Details...]
[20130413] [study] UN – Empowering women key to food security (Development education, Third World, Justice, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population) GENEVA – On 4th March a UN report was released by the UN's special rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter. Main message: improving education and the human right of family planning for women and girls dramatically reduce hunger.[Details...]
[20121006] [study] Reproduction and the carbon legacies of individuals (Global Education, Environmental education, Economy, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population) Egy gyermek nemzése 5,7-szer akkora szénlábnyomot terhel a Földre, mint az anya szénlábnyoma egész élete során. Each child adds such plus to the carbon legacy of an average female, which is 5.7 times her lifetime emissions.[Details...]
[20111105] [film, partnersite] Population Media Center (Global Education, Kommunik?ci?, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Sex) founded in 1998 by William Ryerson, with the intention of using the extensive experience of experts in entertainment-education to spread the application of the Sabido methodology in addressing population and reproductive health issues.[Details...]
[20110925] [lecture, film, oktat?program] Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs (Global Education, Third World, Justice, Movement, Population, Politics) For those with poor arithmetic abilities: population explosion makes impossible to solve poverty, migration, climate change, hunger, conflicts, collapse of our civilisation...[Details...]
[20110912] [lecture, k?pz?s] Arithmetic, Population and Energy (Ecology, Human rights, Global Education, Economy, Population, Tudom?ny) A talk by Dr. Albert Bartlett on the unsustainability of our growth at all costs [Details...]
[20110622] [partnersite, website] Population Matters (Ecology, Peace, Family, Health, Human rights, Global Education, Justice, Environment protection, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Love, Tudom?ny) Az összes környezeti probléma megoldását megnehezíti, sőt lehetetlenné teszi az egyre nagyobb népesség. (David Attenborough)[Details...]
[20100828] [anti-advertisement, BOCS card, one screener, game, oktat?program] CycleBeads To Save The World (Family, Health, Human rights, Nonviolence, Global Education, Third World, Environment protection, Movement, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Politics, Love, Sex) Make it, wear it, be a message for yourself (nobody will be aware for you), for future generations (to be conceived as wanted child!), for the poor, for human rights and rights of women, for the Earth, peace, for your job, for democracy![Details...]
[20100824] [article, one screener, declaration] Human rights approach to reproductive health, family planning and future generations (Family, Health, Human rights, Global Education, Population, Sex) The human right of family planning (UN declared it in Tehran in 1968) is indispensable to slow down the collapse of our civilisation and to ensure human rights of future generations.[Details...]
[20100508] [partnersite] World Peace Database (Peace, Human rights, Nonviolence, Third World, Justice, Environment protection, Conscientious Objection, Movement, N?k egyenrang?s?ga) More than half a century an annual Peace Diary is published by Housmans. If you want to be in touch with other organisations around the world who are concerned with related issues, you can find them on the World Peace Database.[Details...]
[20100120] [study] Sexual and reproductive health in crisis situations (Family, Health, Human rights, Global Education, Third World, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Politics, Sex) Az ENSZ Népesedés Program (UNFPA) kiadványa elsősorban humanitárius segélyszervek, nemzetközi fejlesztők és döntéshozók részére[Details...]
[20090913] [article, meditation, reflection] Defend yourselves! Gather information! Live intelligently! (Peace Education, Human rights, Philosophy, Global Education, Environmental education, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Sex) The editor asks what our message is for the young? Well, this is a collection of survival advices: how to live happy, valuable, enjoyable, useful life in the global crisis.[Details...]
[20090913] [website] European Campaign of Amnesty International Ireland: END FGM (female genital mutilation) (Health, Human rights, Nonviolence, Movement, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Love) END FGM European Campaign works with partner organisations across the European Union to ensure that the EU protects the rights of women and girls who are subjected to, or are at risk of, female genital mutilation.[Details...]
[20090328] [BOCS card, article, lecture, statisztika] To stop climate change, we need family planning, too! (Ecology, Human rights, Global Education, Environmental education, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Politics, Sex, Nature) Declaration accepted by the Hungarian Green Movement on 30th March, 2008. Over-specialized experts rarely discover the correlation between climate change and overpopulation, although it is highly dependent on the density of population.[Details...]
[20080420] [study] What is Global Education? (Ecology, Peace Education, Human rights, Development education, Philosophy, Global Education, Environmental education, Kommunik?ci?, Movement, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Politics, Transcendency) Presentation of structure of Global Education (7 dimensions, 10 items).[Details...]
[20080304] [lecture] Millennium Development Goals: Humane or Hu-maniac (Ecology, Human rights, Development education, Global Education, Third World, Economy, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Politics) Lecture in the Hungarian Parliament, conference about the Millennium Development Goals, organised by UNDP on the World Day of Poverty, 17th Oct, 2007.[Details...]
[20080225] [animation, diavet?t?s, lecture, game, oktat?program, study] Mother Earth feed us – as far as she is able to (Ecology, Peace, Family, Development education, Global Education, Third World, Justice, Environmental education, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Nature) Participative and visualized game to understand the global crisis, ecological footprint and population growth as root of conflicts, poverty and destruction of nature. It suggests a rights based approach (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights).[Details...]
[20070727] [article, image, poszter, statisztika] Global Education poster-folder (Ecology, Global Education, Population) Nice pictures, interesting figures and explanations brings the way of thinking on sustainability in its everyday use. The inner side of the folder is a useful poster for teachers, trainers.[Details...]
[20070407] [one screener, game] Bean-footbag: the game of the Little Prince Life-strategy (Ecology, Global Education) Click the link and you can watch the show of world-championship. You can stitch your footbag yourself! It makes you remember the Globe and the poor![Details...]
[20070313] [leaflet] Categories of ‘peacework’ (Peace Education, Peace, Human rights, Nonviolence, Movement, Politics) OFFICIAL LIST of categories of ‘peacework’ used by Peaceworkers Register (Last updated: 7/1/07 TMW)[Details...]
[20061220] [open letter] Christmas letter of Cedric Prakash SJ, 2006 (Global Education, Third World, Christianity, Movement) A gujarati iskolák támogatásának harminc éves évfordulóján, az első globális képzés út után...[Details...]
[20060811] [open letter] AN APPEAL FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE GUJARAT FLOODS (Third World, Justice, Environment protection) Amikor végre hosszú szárazság után jön az eső, akkor viszont ömlik és áradásokat okoz. A természeti katasztrófa ma már nem természeti, hiszen többnyire emberi beavatkozás (pl. az áradást a hegyoldali erdőségek letarolása) okozza.[Details...]
[20060729] [release] Legion d\'Honneur Award for Fr. Cedric Prakash (Peace, Human rights, Third World, Justice, N?k egyenrang?s?ga) Cedric Prakash SJ megkapta a Francia Becsületrend lovagi fokozatát (pl. Mádl Ferenc köztársasági elnök is ezt kapta 1999-ben).[Details...]
[20060508] [website] International Network of Museums for Peace (Peace Education, Peace, Nonviolence, Conscientious Objection, Kommunik?ci?) 1992-ben az angliai Bradford-ban jött létre, a BOCS Alapítvány 1995-ben a második konferencián (Ausztria) kapcsolódott be megfigyelőként.[Details...]
[20060409] [release] Sisters Serving Leprosy Patients Kicked Out By Modi Government (Health, Third World, Christianity, Politics) The Government of Gujarat has stopped the services of the Catholic Sisters who were administering and providing medical services to the Narol Leprosy Hospital on behalf of the Catholic Diocese of Ahmedabad.[Details...]
[20060317] [partnersite, website] EuroNGOs (Family, Health, Human rights, Global Education, Third World, Movement, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Sex) Network of European NGOs for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Population and Development[Details...]
[20060317] [partnersite, website] World Watch Institute (Ecology, Peace, Family, Health, Human rights, Global Education, Third World, Economy, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, Population, Politics) WWI's main annual publication is The State of the World (since 1984).[Details...]
[20060312] [meditation, reflection, release] Statement on the Death of Tom Fox (CPT, Iraq) (Peace Education, Peace, Nonviolence, Christianity, Movement) Why are We Here? The following reflection was written by Tom Fox on 26th nov. 2005., the day before he was abducted.[Details...]