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Records found: 37 | [20030713] [lecture] Gujarat: A Year After (Peace, Human rights, Justice, Politics, Transcendency) Talk of Fr. Cedric Prakash S.J. on the First Annual Convention of the Indian Muslim Council, Santa Clara, USA, on June 28th 2003. [Details...] | [20050216] [article, open letter] Karácsonyi levél Indiából (Ecology, Development education, Third World, Christianity, Movement) Cedric Prakash SJ 1993-as karácsonyi levelének fordítása. [Details...] | [20050213] [article, open letter] Karácsonyi levél Indiából (Third World, Christianity) Cedric Prakash SJ első karácsonyi levele, amely már nyomtatásban is megjelent. [Details...] | [20071217] [open letter] Cedric Prakash SJ karácsonyi levele, 2007 (Human rights, Nonviolence, Third World, Justice, Community, Christianity, Movement) Együttműködésünk harmincadik évfordulóján ... [Details...] | [20040524] [report, open letter] Karácsonyi levél Cedric Prakash SJ-től, 1990 (Peace Education, Human rights, Development education, Third World, Justice, Environmental education, Christianity, Movement) Cedric Prakash minden karácsonykor küld levelet az ESP támogatóinak. Ez az egyik legrégibb föllelhető fordítás. [Details...] | [20050807] [article] “Distorted textbooks would destroy children\\\'s future” (Peace Education, Third World, Christianity) In an exclusive interview to The Indian Catholic, Father Prakash speaks out how the textbooks are spreading wrong impressions about Christians, Muslims and other minorities in the country. [Details...] | [20040104] [one screener, open letter] Christmas letter of Cedric Prakash SJ, 2003 (Peace, Human rights, Development education, Third World, Justice, Christianity) Director of ESP school network in India, what we support since 1977, sent Christmas letter, as every year. [Details...] | [20040104] [one screener, open letter] Cedric Prakash SJ 2003 karácsonyi levele (Peace, Human rights, Development education, Third World, Justice, Christianity) Az általunk 1977 óta támogatott indiai ESP iskolahálózat igazgatójának szokásos karácsonyi levele. [Details...] | [20060221] [article] Dangs: Hindutva’s Last Gasp? (Peace) Article of Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ [Details...] | [20051210] [BOCS card, open letter] Cedric Prakash SJ levele 2005 karácsonyára (Third World, Christianity, Movement) Köszönőlevél mindenkinek, aki támogatja a gujarati ESP iskolákat. [Details...] | [20060409] [release] Sisters Serving Leprosy Patients Kicked Out By Modi Government (Health, Third World, Christianity, Politics) The Government of Gujarat has stopped the services of the Catholic Sisters who were administering and providing medical services to the Narol Leprosy Hospital on behalf of the Catholic Diocese of Ahmedabad. [Details...] | [20051210] [open letter] Christmas Letter of Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ in 2005 (Third World, Christianity, Movement) Thanks to all who support the ESP school network in Gujarat. [Details...] | [20060114] [release] DANGS: DANGER ZONE ONCE AGAIN ! (Peace, Human rights, Third World, Christianity, Politics) Hindu fundamentalists are at it once again ! Having failed on several fronts across the country, they have now focused their attention once again on the Dangs District of South Gujarat. [Details...] | [20060811] [open letter] AN APPEAL FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE GUJARAT FLOODS (Third World, Justice, Environment protection) Amikor végre hosszú szárazság után jön az eső, akkor viszont ömlik és áradásokat okoz. A természeti katasztrófa ma már nem természeti, hiszen többnyire emberi beavatkozás (pl. az áradást a hegyoldali erdőségek letarolása) okozza. [Details...] | [20061219] [open letter] Cedric Prakash SJ karácsonyi levele, 2006 (Global Education, Third World, Christianity, Movement) A gujarati iskolák támogatásának harminc éves évfordulóján, az első globális képzés út után... [Details...] | [20090303] [open letter] Cedric Prakash SJ karácsonyi levele, 2008 (Peace, Human rights, Third World, Justice, Community, Christianity, Movement) Kapcsolatunk a gujarati ESP iskolahálózattal a negyedik évtizedbe lépett 2008-ban :) [Details...] | [20100106] [open letter] Christmas Letter from Cedric Prakash, 2009 (Development education) Az 1977 óta folyó indiai iskolatámogatásunk rendszeres karácsonyi levele [Details...] | [20061220] [open letter] Christmas letter of Cedric Prakash SJ, 2006 (Global Education, Third World, Christianity, Movement) A gujarati iskolák támogatásának harminc éves évfordulóján, az első globális képzés út után... [Details...] | [20060905] [declaration] A díjat átadó francia nagykövet beszéde Delhiben és Cedric Prakash SJ beszéde a Francia Becsületrend átvételekor (Peace, Human rights, Global Education, Third World, Christianity, Movement, Politics) 2006. júl. 14. Delhi, Francia nagykövetség. [Details...] | [20060905] [declaration] Speech of the French Ambassador and acceptance speech of Fr. Cedric Prakash sj on being conferred the CHEVALIER DE LA LEGION DE HONNEUR Award (Peace, Human rights, Global Education, Third World, Justice, Christianity, Movement, Politics) Embassy of France, New Delhi, July 14th 2006 [Details...] | [20051027] [report] A Memorable Journey (Development education, Christianity) Report of Cedric Prakash SJ about his itinerary at universities in Canada and USA, 9th Sept - 16th Oct, 2005. [Details...] | [20060414] [meditation, reflection, open letter] Ezen a héten lelki örökségünk gazdagságát ünnepeljük, igazi szivárványát az ünnepnek. (Philosophy, Christianity, Transcendency) Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ húsvéti üzenete, 2006 [Details...] | [20050324] [one screener, meditation, reflection] Cedric Prakash SJ 2005 húsvéti üdvözlete (Christianity) Kívánjuk neked az utolsó vacsora osztozását és szolgálatát, a szenvedő Krisztus bátorságát és együttérzését, a feltámadott Úr örömét és békéjét! A húsvéti ünnepek áldásai adjanak neked látomást és reményt, erőt és cselekvést,amely a világot ... [Details...] | [20040811] [open letter] GUJARAT HIT BY ANOTHER TRAGEDY: AN APPEAL FOR HELP (Third World, Justice, Nature) ...droughts, floods, plague, epidemics of the highest proportions, the killer earthquake of 2001, the carnage of 2002 and now, these terrible floods. [Details...] | [20040817] [report, open letter] DEVASTATION IN SOUTH GUJARAT (Third World, Nature) Report from Cedric Prakash SJ: For the last couple of days (August 11th and 12th), we (two of my colleagues and myself) visited several areas of South Gujarat which have been devastated by the recent rains and floods there. [Details...] | [20040602] [open letter] Citizens Charter of Demands to the UPA Government (Peace, Human rights, Development education, Third World, Justice, Movement, Politics) A group of concerned citizens and organizations for justice and healing in Gujarat. [Details...] | [20040518] [article] The Indian People Have Spoken (Peace, Human rights, Development education, Third World, Justice, Politics) Verdict 2004 is indeed a momentous one as the people of India literally voted out the BJP-lead National Democratic Alliance. [Details...] | [20040315] [periodical] 1. Newsletter of Prashant Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace in India. (Peace, Human rights, Development education, Third World, Justice, Christianity, Movement) Newsletter from Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ director [Details...] | [20040504] [periodical] Prashant (Ahmedabad) Newsletter: Prajal No.2. (April 2004) (Human rights, Development education, Third World, Justice, Christianity, Movement, Politics) Prashant is a Human Rights Center, directed by Cedric Prakash SJ. [Details...] | [20040929] [open letter] Withdraw Immediately Standard VIII Social Science Textbook (Peace Education) At the start of the current academic year (June 2004), the Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks, Gandhinagar, published a new Social Science Textbook for Std. VIII. [Details...] | [20041223] [open letter] Christmas Letter of Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ in 2004 (Third World, Christianity, Movement) Keyword of the letter: Festival! [Details...] | [20050418] [open letter] Hate Hurts Harmony works (Human rights, Third World, Justice, Movement, Politics) Signature campaign [Details...] | [20050213] [report, article] Szt. Xavier Szociális Segítõ Társaság jelentésének ismertetése (Development education, Third World, Christianity, Movement) Cedric Prakash SJ nem csak az ESP iskolahálózatot, de a tágabb szociális, mozgalmi és felnőttoktatási munkát végző Szt. Xavier Szociális Segítõ Társaságot is vezeti. [Details...] | [20041214] [periodical] PRAJAL: a perioical devoted to Rights, Advocacy, Justice, Action towards Peace and Love (Peace, Human rights, Third World, Justice, Christianity, Movement, Politics) Newsletter No. 3. of the Prashant Human Rights Centre in Ahmedabad, India [Details...] | [20050911] [open letter] Letter of Cedric Prakash to Hungarians (Development education, Global Education, Third World, Christianity) Looking back to his visit to Hungary in May. [Details...] | [20041228] [open letter] Cedric Prakash SJ levele 2004 karácsonyára (Third World, Christianity, Movement) A levél kulcsszava: Ünnep! [Details...] | [20050309] [release] PRESS STATEMENT... ILLEGAL ARREST OF FR. PRASAD GONSALVES IN RADHANPUR, GUJARAT (Human rights, Third World, Christianity) A Prashant emberijogi központ sajtóközleménye [Details...] |