The Hungarian Catholic Association of the Press, the Communication Office of the Hungarian Bishop's Conference and the "Új Ember" catholic weekly


International Conference
From 8 to 11 June 2000 in Dobogókő, "Manréza" Conference Center, Hungary (near Budapest)

8. June, Thursday
Arrival, registration
6 pm.: Opening by Msgr. Asztrik Várszegi OSB, archabbot of
Report of P. László Lukács, ecclesiastic adviser of UCIP

9. June, Friday
8 am.: Breakfast
9 am.: P. Paul Valadier S.J. (Centre Sevres, Paris) Journalist to face the
challenges of the new millennium. Discussion.
10.45 am.: Coffee break
11 am.: Msgr. Péter Erdő, rector of the Catholic University "Pázmány
Péter", Budapest, The Church of the New Millennium. Discussion.
1 pm.: Lunch.
3 pm.: György Fischer, Hungarian Gallup Institut: Catholic Press in the
public opinion. András Máthé-Tóth, Religious Institut of Szeged University: Catholic Press in the view of a theologian
16.45 Coffee break
5 pm.: Workshops in three groups: TV - moderator an expert of UNDA,
Radio - moderator André Kolly,(Switzerland, RSR.) Written press
moderator: Hans Winkler (Kleine Zeitung, Ausztria.)
7 pm.: Dinner
7.30 pm.: Workshops - continuation

10. June., Saturday:
8 am.: Breakfast
9 am.: Conclusion of the Workshops.
10 am.: Plenary discussion
11.45 am.: Coffee break
12 am.: Msgr Veres András, mediabishop of Hungary. The pastoral plan
for communication of the Hungarian Church.
1 pm.: Lunch
3 pm.: Guided tour in Budapest
6 pm.: Dinner
8.30 pm.: Cultural performance
10.30 pm: Return to Dobogókő

11. June., Sunday
8 am.: Breakfast
9 am.: Leaving for Esztergom. Visit of the ruins of the palace of the first
Hungarian king, Saint Stephan, of the Christian Museum.
1 am.: Sollemn mass in the cathedral of Esztergom pontificated by Msgr. Gáspár Ladocsi, military bishop
3 pm.: Lunch in Dobogókő.


Single room with bathroom, three meels 90 DM
Double room, three meels 70 DM
The registartion fee of 100 DM will cover all conference charges, documentation, presentation, transportations, outings and excursions.

For more information and registration, please contact Mr. George Jósfay, Secretrary General of the Hungarian Catholic Association of the Press:
H-1122 Budapest, Rath György u. 60.
Telephon/fax: 36.1.3552143. E-mail: [email protected]