BOCS Homepage

Mail To Joseph Url !
Mail To
Joseph Url !

Petition of the People of the Church –
Catholic Referendum

Actual informations !

What´s next?

1. In the year1996 many women and men were writing together the so called Herdenbrief (letter of the herd) with the topic "Love - Eroticism - Sexuality". It is now published.

2. Another "Herdenbrief" to the topic "building of a Church of sisterly and brotherly love" is in progress. Feel free to send us letters or e-mails!!

3. Other events in Austria are the so called "Kirchenvolkspredigt" with start on 1/25/1997.

4. On Friday 12/13/1996 we will start with the so called "Kirchenvolks-Vesper".

5. Initiation of the "International movement of WE ARE CHURCH" in Rome 1996.

Books and publications


News of our platform: "Wir sind Kirche"

News: "JA" St.Pölten

News: "das offene Fenster" Salzburg, ask e-Mail: [email protected]

News "Impulse von unten" from " Wir sind Kirche" South Tyrol, Italy.


Ingrid Thurner "Diapositive - Biblische Licht - Bilder ins Heute", Austria 1996.

For infos about newspapers and books mail to "Plattform Wir sind Kirche" or direct Druck und Verlagshaus Thaur Ges.m.b.H., Moosgasse 16 und 32, A-6065 Thaur, Austria.

Important meetings

6/23. - 6/29/97: Zweite Europäische Ökumenische Versammlung (EÖV2) 1997, Graz, Austria.

10/11/1997:International meeting of the We are Chruch Groups from all over the world in Rome, Italy.