Kairos logo Kairos Hearing 1994.


in cooperation with:
Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK)
Caribbean Conference of Churches (CCC)
Centro Ecumênico de Documentação e Informação (CEDI)
European Ecumenical Organisation for Development (EECOD)
European Ecumenical Commission for Church and Society (EECCS)
Office Catholique d'Information et d'Initiative pour l'Europe (OCIPE)
Bretton Woods Reform Organization (BWRO)

Documentation of the Hearing
"The Political Responsibility of the European Union
for the International Financial Order
in View of Sustainable Development and Social Cohesion"

Download the whole documentation : hearing.zip (112 K)

Brussels / at the European Parliament
June 27, 1994
on the occasion of 50 years after Bretton Woods

Translations by Stephen Cope and Elaine Griffiths.
Copies of this English version can be obtained at the following addresses:
� Jo Bock, Kairos Europa, 3, avenue du Parc Royal, 1020 Bruxelles, Belgium.
� Ulrich Duchrow/Martin Gück, Kairos Europa, Hegenichstr. 22, 69124 Heidelberg, Germany. (Here also the German version.)
All rights reserved.
Edited by Martin Gück.
Printed on recycled paper.
This documentation was co-financed with a contribution of the European Commission, DG VIII, Brussels.

List of Materials

M. Arruda / J. Cavanagh / D. Wysham (Hg.): Kein Grund zum Feiern. 50 Jahre Weltbank und IWF � Kritik und Alternativen, Konkret Verlag, Hamburg 1994
U. Duchrow: Alternativen zur kapitalistischen Weltwirtschaft. Biblische Erinnerung und politische Ans�tze zur �berwindung einer lebensbedrohenden Ökonomie, Gütersloher Verlagshaus / Grünewald, Gütersloh 1994
(The English version is in preparation.)
U. Duchrow / M. Gück: Economic Alternatives. Responding to the Fifty Years of the Dominant Financial Systems Established at Bretton Woods, Heidelberg 1994
European Kommission: Towards a New Bretton Woods: Alternatives for the Global Economy. A Report for the FAST Programme by S. Holland, Dokument FOP 325, Bruxelles 1993
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme): Human Development Report 1992, 1993, 1994, New York / Oxford
WEED (Weltwirtschaft, Ökologie und Entwicklung): 50 Jahre IWF und Weltbank (VI Folgen), Informations-Sonderbriefe, Bonn 1993/94



Questions and proposals concerning the political responsibility of the European Union for the international financial order in view of sustainable development and social cohesion

Programme guide of the hearing

Hearing Part I:

"The political responsibility of the European Union for the international financial order in view of sustainable development of the South"

Opening by the moderator

Witnesses/experts introduce questions and proposals:
Marcos Arruda
Danuta Mitrega
Rogate Mshana
Ronaldo Llamas
Judy Williams
Davison Budhoo

Responses by the representatives of the EU Parliament:
Christa Randzio-Plath
Walter Romberg
Wilfried Telkämper

Comments and questions on the responses by witnesses/experts

Responses by the representatives of the EU Commission:
Pierre Defraigne
Peter Pooley
Comments and questions on the responses by witnesses/experts

Concluding statements from a global perspective:
Konrad Raiser
Ulrich Duchrow

Hearing Part II:

"The political responsibility of the European Union for the international financial order in view of employment and social justice in Europe"

Opening by the moderator

Witnesses/experts introduce questions and proposals:
Hans Engelberts
José Höhne-Sparborth
Luc Peeters
Mascha Madörin
Luciano Nunes Padrao
Rudi Buntzel

Responses by the representatives of the EU Parliament:
Claude Delcroix
Frieder Otto Wolf
Brigitte Ernst de la Graete

Comments and questions on the responses by witnesses/experts

Responses by the representatives of the EU Commission:
Message from Jacques Delors
Sammy van Tuyll van Serooskerken
Ricardo Petrella

Comments and questions on responses by witnesses/experts and the audience

Concluding statements from a global perspective:
Atherton Martin
Marc Lenders

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