Global Review (BOCS Fordito) (Review and translation service of the BOCS Foundation) The following English or German language materials are translated or reviewed into Hungarian, so you can recommend it to your Hungarian-speaking friends. The
Hungarian translations are on the Hungarian page of this Website and also circulated by the grazroots.hun listserver (you can subscribe it with a "subscribe grazroots.hun" message in
the subject field).
64th issue:
Talking with Paul Virilio,
WWW addresses
Introduction of a book Thomas D�ring: Subsidiaritat und Umweltpolitik in der Europaischen Union
63th issue:
Ex-priest vows to be 'thorn in the side' of Polish church
dozens of WWW addresses
62th issue:
Prohibiting interest in the Bible
Actual label instructions on consumer goods
61th issue:
Bewahrung der Schöpfung
Actual label instructions on consumer goods
60th issue:
Race relations in the air
Supporting Human rights
59th issue:
An article about Martin Luther King, the apostle of nonviolence in the 20th century.
A study from New York Times declaring that using the Internet makes people lonely.
58th issue:
Everyone wins! Cooperative Games and Activities (New Society Publishers) - Foreword
57th issue:
A translation of a chapter from the book: Dolores LaChapelle: Sacred Land, Sacred Sex, Rapture of the Deep.
56th issue:
A translation of a chapter from the book: Dolores LaChapelle: Sacred Land, Sacred Sex, Rapture of the Deep.
55th issue:
A translation of a chapter from the book The State Of the World (Worldwatch Institute) : The Agricultural Link - How Environmental Deterioration Could Disrupt Economic Progress
54th issue:
A translation of a chapter from the book introduced in the previous issue: Dolores LaChapelle: Sacred Land, Sacred Sex, Rapture of the Deep.
53th issue:
Introducing a book: The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. (The Free Press, New York, 1993)
52th issue:
A translation of a chapter from the book introduced in the previous issue: Dolores LaChapelle: Sacred Land, Sacred Sex, Rapture of the Deep.
51th issue:
Hague Appeal for Peace 1999. Time to Abolish War. Join the Citizens' Peace Conference, The Hague, 11-16 May 1999.
50th issue:
Two studies on Tibet and Pakistan from the June issue of Christian Solidarity International (CSI):
Tibet: Forbidden Earth
Pakistan: Don't dare to call yourself a Christian!
49th issue:
A practical handbook: Short Circuit. Strengthening Local Economies for Security in an Unstable World.
48th issue:
A Study of László Ervin
47th issue:
Anti-nuclear movement in Indonesia - report by a Hungarian university student
46th issue:
Conversation with Ulrich Duchrow
Introducting the book: The Young Green Consumer Guide
45th issue:
Terminator Technology: End of Seeds. - the new danger.
Introducting the book: Keepers of the Earth. - Native American Stories
and Environmental
Activities for Children
44th issue:
Introducting the book: Manufacturing Consent, The Political Economy of
the Mass Media
Introducting the book: Necessary Illusions, Thought Control in
Democratic Societies
43rd issue: - a novel Heinrich Böll
Heinrich Böll: Conversation on the shore
Introducting the book: Herlt, Brigitta - Krisch, Nadja: Wald - Entdeckungen. Arbeitsmappe für Kindergarten, Volksschule, Hauptschule und Understufe der AHS
Enclosure: Translations from Gaia Review
42nd issue: - Landmine Ban Campaign
Nobel Lecture of Jody Williams, coordinator of the Landmine Ban Campaign
Introducting the book: Cornell, Joseph Bharat: Sharing Nature with Children
41st issue: - Junge Kirche articles
Junge Kirche - Bewahrung der Schöpfung: articles on Earth, genetic-engineering and cloning
Introducting the book: Poulton, Prue - Symons, Gillian: Eco school
Enclosure: Translations from Gaia Review
40th issue: - Junge Kirche articles and an action of Amnesty International about human rights
Junge Kirche - Bewahrung der Schöpfung: articles on clima, genetic-engineering and national-parks
Introducting the book: Campbell, Bernard: Human Ecology. The Story of Our Place in Nature from Prehistory to the Present
Action of Amnesty International about human rights (http://www.amnesty.nl)
Enclosure: Translations from Gaia Review
39th issue:
Entwurf für ein Europäisches Kairos-Dokument "Aufbruch zu einem sozial gerechten, lebensfreundlichen und demokratischen Europa"
Introducting the book: Norberg-Hodge, Helena: Ancient Futures. Learning from Ladakh
The WorldBank's letter to the hungarian Government from 1985
38th issue:
Reinhold Stecher's (bishop of Innsbruck) critical letter
Introducting the book: Rothenberg, David: Is it Painful to Think? Conversations with Arne Ness
Introducting some websites
37th issue: - Last Balaton Bulletin article on time-ecology
Joanna Macy: To Reinhabit Time
Introducting the book: Orr, David W.: Earth in Mind. On Education, Environment and the Human Prospect
Victory Celebrations At Maheshwar Dam Site
Introducting some websites
36th issue: - The Budapest Club
About Budapest Club
Introducting the book: Lingelbach, Jenepher: Hands-on Nature. Information and Activities for Exploring the Environment with Children
Lots of interesting web addresses
35th issue: - Balaton Bulletin article on time-ecology
The Utne Reader History of the Fast Lane
Introducing the book: Kinnunen, Juha - Nyk-nen, Riitta: Ruuhon juuira. Lounto ja ymp-ristöiasiat osaksi lapsen arkip-iv (Roots of the reed)
News: Der alternative Nobelpreis
News: Australian natives want to ban the bestseller (Mutant Message)
Introducing the book: Ernst Ulrich von Weizs-kker (Hg.): Grenzenlos? Jedes System braucht Grenzen - aber wie durchl-ssig müssen diese sein?
Introducing the book: Lebensstile. Entwürfe zur Überwindung einer lebensbedroliche Ökonomie.
Introducing the book: The NGLS Handbook of UN Agencies, Programmes and Funds Working for Economic and Social Development
Introducing the book: A World that Works. Building Blocks for a Just and Sustainable Society
Introducing the book: Overcome Violence. A Programme of the World Council of Churches
Introducing the book: Geiko Müller-Fahrenholz: The Art of Forgivennes. Theological Reflections on Healing and Reconciliation
Introducing the book: Gregory Baum/Harold Wells : The Reconciliation of Peoples. Challenge to the Churches
34th issue: - Junge Kirche article and books
Junge Kirche - Bewahrung der Schöpfung: Defension of the clima in the developing countries
News: Bishops' hunger strike
Introducing the book: Lachecki Herman, Marina - Passineau, Joseph F. - Schimpf, Ann L. - Treuer, Paul: Teaching Kids to Love Earth
Introducing the book: Modern Times. Lebensstile und Inszenierungen
Introducing the book: Lothar Bossle: Zur Soziologie utopischen Denkens in Europa. Von Thomas Morus zu Ernst Bloch
33rd issue: - Genetic engineering
Thomas A. Shannon: Debates and values in genetic engineering
Introducing the book: Braus, Judy: Wild About Weather. (Ranger Rick's Nature Scope)
32nd issue: - Summer Balaton Bulletin part
Jon Spayde: Slow Like Me
Introducing the book: Acid Rain Searches (Manchester : Acid Rain Information Centre)
31st issue: - Introducing the TV-program 'Conversations in the end of the Millennium'
Conversation with Stanislaw Lem in the end of the Millennium
Introducing the book: Braus, Judy: Pollution. Problems and Solutions.
30th issue: - Summer Balaton Bulletin part
James Perry and Elizabeth Vanderklein: The Role of Time and Scale in Water Quality Management
Introducing the book: Braus, Judy : Trees Are Terrific!
Introducing the book: "The Decision from Haga"
Enclosure: Helena Norberg-Hodge: From Global Dependence to Local Interdependence
29th issue: - Summer Balaton Bulletin part
Wolfgang Sachs: Why Speed Matters
Introducing the book: Goldstein, Eleanor C. (ed.): Pollution
28th issue: - Introduction of the books:
World Resources - A guide to the global environment 1996-1997
Elgin, Duane: Voluntary Simplicity. Toward a Way of Life That is Outwardly Simple, Inwardliy Rich
27th issue: - with bizarre but true stories
Donella H. Meadows: Not So Fast!
Los Angeles Daily News: Huge Drop In Sperm Counts Reported
True story: The Man In The Moon
Joke: Jesus Said To Them...
26th issue: - Summer Balaton Bulletin first part and Junge Kirche november
Barbara Adam, Karlheinz Geissler, Martin Held, Klaus Kümmerer and Manual Schneider: Time for the Environment: The Tutzing Time Ecology Project
Bewahrung der Schöpfung (Inegrity of Creation) : Clinton's Climatepolitics, Climatic Change: Research is waking, Air-pollution in Chile's capital, Two thirds of the forests are already destroyed, Forest destruction in the Érc-mountains ..
Timatable: Germany
25th issue: - Mostly about the american Bruderhof Community's Aid-program for Cuba
IFCO Caravan
90 Mile Campaign
Nonviolent Conflict Resolution - A Season for Nonviolence
The Transformation Game
24th issue: - About György Bulányi's rehabilitation
Rudolf Schermann: Another process to threat?
Thomas Seiterich-Kreuzkamp: It's better later than never
Timetable: Österreich
23rd issue: - Spring Balaton Bulletin tenth part
Wouter Biesiot: What is Sustainable Consumption
'Profits and luxury' of the rich put world at risk through climate change
22nd issue: - Redefining progress
Clifford Cobb, Ted Halsted, Jonathan Rowe: If the GDP is Up, Why is America Down?
Oilwatch/NGO Declaration On Climate Change, Fossul Fuels and Public Funding
21st issue: - Spring Balaton Bulletin ninth part
Ulrich és Francesca Loening: A Plea from D-Forested Scotland to Still-Forested Chile
20th issue:
Articles from Junge Kirche (German monthly newspaper) on "Integrity Of Creation" (Indonesian forestfires, Genetic-engineering)
Introducing the magazine: ADBUSTERS
Donella H. Meadows: The next century will be lead by clean technologies
19th issue: - NO NATO
Bridget Moix: The NATO expansion, political progress and arguments against
Thomas Wallgren: The NATO-expansion and the modern world's cultural crisis
Xanthe Hall: Nuclear-weapon-free area in Central and Eastern-Europe - Dream or reality?
Vit László: The RUN of the Media to the NATO
18th issue: - Spring Balaton Bulletin eighth part
John P. Robinson, Geoffrey Godbey: The Great American Slowdown
Enclosure: Guaicaipuro Cuautémoc: The real foreign debt
17th issue:
International Green Conference about the newest WWF discourse on the Danube
Press-release on the international conference : World without NATO
16th issue:
Junge Kirche: Bewahrung der Schöpfung
Thomas Seiterich-Kreuzkamp: Discussion between Moscow and Rome
Jupp Wagner: And it is moving!
Barbara Rauchwarter: Graz - towards a Europe which has no illusions
15th issue: - Spring Balaton Bulletin seventh part
Benjamin Hunnicutt: Kellogg's Experiment in Giving Workers More Time
14th issue:
David Korten: The United Nation and the Corporate Agenda
Thomas Seiterich-Kreuzkamp: "All the mountains are christian in our country"
13th issue: - Spring Balaton Bulletin sixth part
Juliet Schor: Getting Out of the Squirrel Cage
12th issue - EarthAction - A Global Network for the Environment, Peace and Social Justice
Climate Change, Background Information
Climate Change Countdown (Press Release)
No Place To Escape
Sample Letter To a Cabinet Member
Sample Parliamentary Questions
11th issue: - Spring Balaton Bulletin fifth part
Clifford Cobb: Time in Economic Thinking
Timetable: International Events
10th issue: - Two articles from Junge Kirche (German monthly newspaper) on "Integrity Of Creation"
Bewahrung der Schöpfung (Integrity Of Creation)
Cloning, Genetic Engineering
Four englishand six deutsch book on Peace
Timetable: Events in Germany
Enclosure: Translated matters from the Gaia review 317
9th issue - Spring Balaton Bulletin fourth part
Dana Meadows and Alan AtKisson: Delay Times - How Long Does it Take to Respond?
Books: The Growth Illusion, UNDP, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Das Freigeld Syndrom (Money Syndrome), Genethik (genetic ethic), Internet in the movement
Timetable: Event in Österreich
Enclosure: Excerpt from the novel Momo (Michael Ende)
8th issue - About the European Ecumenical Coalition Graz '97
Founding Declaration
The Ecumenical Village program
Opening speech
Closing Declaration
Books on running civil organizations
7th issue:
Balaton Group Introduction
Donald Worster: A History of Population and Capitalism
Population Politics: The Choices that Shape Our Future
News: A conscientious objector kidnapped in Russia
Books: Series on Polluting Materials
WWW places: ARA
6th issue:
Ulrich Duchrow : Reconciliation in the Midst of Global Division and Destruction. - COELI (Centre Oecuménique de Liaisons Internationales, Rue du Boulet 31, B-1000 Bruxelles), Nr. 79, Autumn
5th issue:
Report from the Workshops on Peace Tax Bills
Report of BWD Activities
Report on the Peace Tax Payers
Report from India
Skattebetalare for Fred
Conscience UK Campaign Report
4th issue:
Four Interviews taken in Graz by the BOCS (with Christa Springe, Ulrich Duchrow, David Cowling, Rüdiger Noll)
Four reports from Graz (1. The chiapa indian movement against the neoliberalism, 2. Victims of Eastern-Europe and the South set each other free, 3. The Õrség-Vendvidék National Park, 4. Those who had been quit the State)
3rd issue:
Hans Achterhuis: The History and Roots of Growth (The Balaton Bulletin, Spring 1997)
2nd issue:
Arbeitsstelle für Umweltfragen der Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau, Darmstadt: Ohne Wasser läuft nichts (Entsiegeln und Versickern. Nutzung von Regenwasser. Jeder Tropfen zählt.)
Das Menschheitsprojekt: "Entwicklung" (Medico International, Frankfurt, 1996/2.)
1st issue:
Donella H. Meadows: The Least of These Our Brethren (The Global Citizen, 1996 december 19.)
Cor Unum (Vatican): World Hunger, A Challenge for All - Development in Solidarity (24 Oct. 1996)
Thomas Seiterich-Kreuzkamp: To Prostitute Mother Earth? (Publik Forum, 1995. no. 24.)