Az evangélium bűvölete / Rapture of the Gospel Annotáció: Foreword
Each era in human history has its bright shining lights in the midst of darkness, confusion and manipulation. Such lights sometimes are recognized for what they are after the fact. One such light in 20th century communist Hungary was the BOKOR movement. In some ways BOKOR is a 20th century parallel to 16th and 17th century Anabaptism: Jesus is the number one point of reference, the community of love is the place where life is real. Love is the highest of all principles not only in abstract and sentiments, but in the way church order and economic life are being shaped.
This book is an invitation for the reader to consider a reality often readily dismissed as utopia. It is the tested reality of a movement of love during the hardships of the rule of a materialistic order. Our world - and certainly our churches - need the challenge to think beyond the parameters set by the rule of gain, quick results, and domination. It is a challenge to present-day churches, whether mainline, state or free churches, whether conservative, evangelical, pentecostal or anabaptist, because their most common pattern is one of (male) domination where principles and rules invented by human imagination or world view and imposed by tradition or convenience, are often held higher than the unconditional love of God in Christ.
The fact that the thoughts presented and the testimony given on these pages grew out of an underground reality in Catholic Hungary does not at all diminish the relevance for the church in the 21st century. If fact this light that was not recognized by the church and society during the cold war era continues to shine for the church of the 21st century. To what degree the BOKOR movement itself will be permitted to play the prophetic role in its own context in the new millenium remains to be seen. But that is the question of any and all prophetic movements in times of transition. The word God spoke through the movement stands today.
Hansulrich Gerber,
Director, MCC Europe
Tartalomjegyzék: György Bulányi Sch.P.: Church order
Gyula Simonyi: Economy of LifeHarmony
Challenge of Nonviolence
Hungary, 1979, 2000
Kikrol szól (csoport): Bokor
Keletkezés ill. kiadás dátuma: 2000.
Szerző: Bul?nyi Gy?rgy, Simonyi Gyula Fordító (az aktuális anyag nyelvére): Simonyi Katalin Csoport, mozgalom, irányzat (ahonnan származik): Bocs Alap?tv?ny, Bokor
Célcsoport: v?s?rl?knak
Szint: m?kedvel? hozz??rt?knek
Copyright: minden jog fenntartva
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