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English [20030830] [partnersite, website] Olvasási ido: t?bb ?ra Christian Solidarity International (Harmadik vil?g, Kereszt?nys?g, Mozgalom, Transzcendens)
Christian Solidarity International (CSI) is a Christian human rights organization for religious liberty helping victims of religious repression, victimized children and victims of disaster.
Krisztusi Szolidaritás / Christian Solidarity International

Annotáció: What is CSI?

Christian Solidarity International (CSI) is a Christian human rights organization for religious liberty helping victims of religious repression, victimized children and victims of disaster. CSI was founded by Revd. Hans Stückelberger, following silent demonstrations in Switzerland in support of persecuted Christians, in 1977.

CSI's primary objective is worldwide respect for the God-given right of every human being to choose his or her faith and to practice it, as stipulated in Article 18 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. CSI's governing body is the International Council, which represents all national affiliates. As a non-profit, independent organization, CSI cooperates with Christians of all denominations as well as with churches, human rights organizations, and the public...

Csoport, mozgalom, irányzat (ahonnan származik): CSI

Sorozat, folyóirat, gyujtemény (amibe tartozik): Krisztusi Szolidarit?s

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