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English [20130413] [filmaj?nl?, interj?] Olvasási ido: f?l ?ra “There is nothing that we can do” (?kol?gia, Glob?lis k?pz?s, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, Mozgalom, N?pesed?s, Term?szet, Tudom?ny)
We work only on the technical aspects, but we neglect the population factor completely ... So we will fail, because growth of population and living standards are much greater than we would save through efficiency and alternative energy.
\"Semmit sem tettünk - most már semmit sem tehetünk\" / “There is nothing that we can do”

Annotáció: ...
We work only on the technical aspects, but we neglect the population factor completely and believe that our standard of living is getting better, or at least stays the same. We ignore population and the social elements in the equation, and focus totally on just trying to solve the problem from the technical side. So we will fail, because growth of population and living standards are much greater than we would save through efficiency and alternative energy.
As long as we do not learn that, there is no way to solve all these problems. There’s nothing we could do. People always say again: We need to save our planet. No, we do not. The planet is going to save itself already. It always has done. Sometimes it took millions of years, but it happened. We should not be worried about the planet, but about the human species.

Szerző: Meadows, Donella H.

Csoport, mozgalom, irányzat (ahonnan származik): Balaton Group

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