Ancient (and sorry to say unique)

Partnership between Eastern-Europe and the South

(presentation of the ESP - India - and the Third World Foundation - Hungary - in the Ecumenical Village Green)

24th June, Tuesday

Gyula Simonyi's introduction

Gyula Simonyi's intr

Cedric Prakash SJ (India)

Cedric Prakash SJ (India)

From behind the Iron Curtain to the South

From behind the Iron Curtain to the South

Victims in Eastern-Europe and in the South makes each other free

Victims in Eastern-Europe and in the South makes each other free

The BOKOR (Hungary) started it in the seventies

The BOKOR (Hungary) started it in the seventies

Liberation theology defend us in Europe against the consumer death-civilisation

Liberation theology defend us in Europe against the consumer death-civilisation

Explanation of the symbolic act

Explanation of the symbolic act