BOCS.HU Document |
[20070303] [report, image, website] Élő békejel - Budapest, 20th March, 2004: Some 700 people with candles had formed a large human peace sign. In 2006 there were 4000 people :) (Peace Education, Peace, Movement) 2007. márc. 17-én a Békejel sok országban a teljes nukleáris leszerelésért demonstrál. |
Élő békejel / Budapest, 20th March, 2004: Some 700 people with candles had formed a large human peace sign. In 2006 there were 4000 people :) Introduction: A BOCS javaslatára Kecskeméten az Országos Zöld Találkozó résztvevői is békejelet alkotnak ezen a szombat estén. Geographical place: Budapest Date of creation or issue: 2004. 03. 20. |
Send this picture as an e-card Élő békejel / Human peace sign (Budapest, 20th March, 2004.) |