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BOCS.HU New Stuff 2011. 09. 30. - 2011. 09. 01.  (Recent months)
3 recent materials of this period
magyar/hungarian [20110925] [film] Time to read: 5 minutes Barátság extrákkal (Love, Sex)
Amikor a szex még (évezredeken át) egyben a terhesség szinte százszázalékos veszélyét is jelentette, csak nagyon komoly kapcsolatból lehetett szex. Ma viszont: ha jó a szex, még akár komoly kapcsolat is lehet belőle. [Details...]
English [20110925] [lecture, film, oktat?program] Time to read: 15 minutes Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs (Global Education, Third World, Justice, Movement, Population, Politics)
For those with poor arithmetic abilities: population explosion makes impossible to solve poverty, migration, climate change, hunger, conflicts, collapse of our civilisation... [Details...]
English [20110912] [lecture, k?pz?s] Time to read: one hour Arithmetic, Population and Energy (Ecology, Human rights, Global Education, Economy, Population, Tudom?ny)
A talk by Dr. Albert Bartlett on the unsustainability of our growth at all costs [Details...]
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