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BOCS.HU New Stuff 2005. 10. 31. - 2005. 10. 01.  (Recent months)
6 recent materials of this period
deutsch [20051031] [leaflet] Time to read: 5 minutes Stiftung BOCS, Ungarn (Ecology, Nonviolence, Global Education, Third World, Movement)
Vorstellung (ECEN, 2005, Basel). Az Európai Keresztény Ökumenikus Hálózat (ECEN) 2005-ös bázeli közgyűlésére készült rövid bemutatkozás. [Details...]
English [20051030] [animation, leaflet] Time to read: half an hour BOCS Vision (Ecology, Peace Education, Peace, Family, Human rights, Nonviolence, Development education, Philosophy, Global Education, Third World, Environmental education, Community, Conscientious Objection, Christianity, Kommunik?ci?, Movement, Population, Sex, Transcendency)
Short history and vision of the BOCS Foundation. [Details...]
magyar/hungarian [20051030] [animation] Time to read: 15 minutes A BOCS küldetése (Ecology, Peace Education, Development education, Philosophy, Global Education, Environmental education, Population, Transcendency)
A BOCS Alapítvány rövid története és küldetése oktató animáció formájában, a Kisherceg képekkel :) [Details...]
magyar/hungarian [20051028] [meditation, reflection, book advertisement, short story, open letter] Time to read: several hours Hála (Philosophy, Community, Christianity, Nature)
Farkas István 2003-2004-es írásaiból [Details...]
English [20051027] [report] Time to read: 5 minutes A Memorable Journey (Development education, Christianity)
Report of Cedric Prakash SJ about his itinerary at universities in Canada and USA, 9th Sept - 16th Oct, 2005. [Details...]
magyar/hungarian [20051025] [partnersite, website] Time to read: 5 minutes Zöld Szem Környezetvédelmi Egyesület a Fenntarthatóságért (Environment protection)
Kaposvári partnerszervezet. [Details...]
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