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BOCS.HU New Stuff 2004. 09. 30. - 2004. 09. 01.  (Recent months)
5 recent materials of this period
English [20040929] [open letter] Time to read: 15 minutes Withdraw Immediately Standard VIII Social Science Textbook (Peace Education)
At the start of the current academic year (June 2004), the Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks, Gandhinagar, published a new Social Science Textbook for Std. VIII. [Details...]
magyar/hungarian [20040929] [meditation, reflection] Time to read: 15 minutes Van-e ma egyetlen ember is a Földön, aki tudja magáról, hogy fenntartható módon él? (Ecology)
A legtöbb emberről nem mondható el, hogy „tudja, hogy fenntartható módon él” ( - aki pedig „úgy tudja”, gyakorta téved). [Details...]
English [20040927] [study] Time to read: one hour Intimidation and Harassment of Witnesses, Human Rights Activists, and Lawyers Pursuing Accountabiity for the 2002 Communal Violence in Gujarat (Peace, Human rights, Third World, Movement, Politics)
Human Rights Watch Report: Discouraging Dissent - Intimidation and Harassment of Witnesses, Human Rights Activists, and Lawyers Pursuing Accountabiity for the 2002 Communal Violence in Gujarat. [Details...]
magyar/hungarian [20040920] [one screener, meditation, reflection] Time to read: 5 minutes Haladj nyugodtan a lárma és sietség közepette (Philosophy, Transcendency)
1692-ből származó írás, Baltimore-ban, egy régi templomban találták. A szerző ismeretlen. [Details...]
English [20040903] [website] Time to read: several hours The Donella Meadows Archive (Ecology, Peace Education, Development education, Environmental education, Environment protection, Economy, Movement, Population, Politics, Nature)
Voice of a Global Citizen [Details...]
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