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BOCS.HU New Stuff 2004. 08. 31. - 2004. 08. 01.  (Recent months)
5 recent materials of this period
magyar/hungarian [20040829] [report] Time to read: 5 minutes A székesfehérvári Locsfoci rövid története (Community)
Egy lassan három évtizedes hagyomány :) [Details...]
magyar/hungarian [20040828] [report] Time to read: 5 minutes Beszámoló a zöld Udvarról - 2004. aug. 4. (Environmental education, Movement)
NIOK beszámoló. [Details...]
magyar/hungarian [20040827] [report] Time to read: 5 minutes Beszámoló a Bocs önkéntesekről a 2004-es Sziget Zöld Udvarában. (Development education, Environmental education, Movement)
Miri beszámolója a Bocs-csapatról a Szigeten. [Details...]
English [20040817] [report, open letter] Time to read: 5 minutes DEVASTATION IN SOUTH GUJARAT (Third World, Nature)
Report from Cedric Prakash SJ: For the last couple of days (August 11th and 12th), we (two of my colleagues and myself) visited several areas of South Gujarat which have been devastated by the recent rains and floods there. [Details...]
English [20040811] [open letter] Time to read: 5 minutes GUJARAT HIT BY ANOTHER TRAGEDY: AN APPEAL FOR HELP (Third World, Justice, Nature)
...droughts, floods, plague, epidemics of the highest proportions, the killer earthquake of 2001, the carnage of 2002 and now, these terrible floods. [Details...]
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