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BOCS.HU Találatlista

Találatok száma: 27

English [20080420] [tanulm?ny] Olvasási ido: f?l ?ra What is Global Education? (?kol?gia, B?k?re nevel?s, Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Filoz?fia, Glob?lis k?pz?s, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, Kommunik?ci?, Mozgalom, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Politika, Transzcendens)
Presentation of structure of Global Education (7 dimensions, 10 items). [Részletek...]
English [20040903] [website] Olvasási ido: t?bb ?ra The Donella Meadows Archive (?kol?gia, B?k?re nevel?s, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, K?rnyezetv?delem, K?zgazdas?g, Mozgalom, N?pesed?s, Politika, Term?szet)
Voice of a Global Citizen [Részletek...]
English [20061005] [anim?ci?] Olvasási ido: egy ?ra Animation on Ecological Footprint: How can we stop overburdening and degrading the Earth? (?kol?gia, B?ke, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?zgazdas?g, N?pesed?s, Politika)
Based on the Footprint Network and WWF report introduced at June 14, 2005 in the European Parlament. [Részletek...]
English [20080225] [anim?ci?, diavet?t?s, el?ad?s, j?t?k, oktat?program, tanulm?ny] Olvasási ido: egy ?ra Mother Earth feed us – as far as she is able to (?kol?gia, B?ke, Csal?d, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Term?szet)
Participative and visualized game to understand the global crisis, ecological footprint and population growth as root of conflicts, poverty and destruction of nature. It suggests a rights based approach (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights). [Részletek...]
English [20110622] [partnersite, website] Olvasási ido: t?bb ?ra Population Matters (?kol?gia, B?ke, Csal?d, Eg?szs?g, Emberi jogok, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Igazs?goss?g, K?rnyezetv?delem, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Szerelem, Tudom?ny)
Az összes környezeti probléma megoldását megnehezíti, sőt lehetetlenné teszi az egyre nagyobb népesség. (David Attenborough) [Részletek...]
English [20041214] [anim?ci?, egyk?perny?s, el?ad?s, k?p] Olvasási ido: 5 perc To Understand the Population Bomb. The last 10 thousand years. (?kol?gia, B?ke, Csal?d, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, N?pesed?s, Szex, Transzcendens)
To understand our historical situation, speeds and measures. [Részletek...]
English [20051030] [anim?ci?, ismertet?] Olvasási ido: f?l ?ra BOCS Vision (?kol?gia, B?k?re nevel?s, B?ke, Csal?d, Emberi jogok, Er?szakmentess?g, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Filoz?fia, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, K?z?ss?g, Katonas?gmegtagad?s, Kereszt?nys?g, Kommunik?ci?, Mozgalom, N?pesed?s, Szex, Transzcendens)
Short history and vision of the BOCS Foundation. [Részletek...]
English [20030823] [linkgy?jtem?ny] Olvasási ido: f?l ?ra Ecology link-collection (?kol?gia, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, K?rnyezetv?delem)
Articles and links in the topic of ecology [Részletek...]
English [20030906] [egyk?perny?s, vers] Olvasási ido: 5 perc Too Many People (Song of Fred Small) (?kol?gia, B?k?re nevel?s, Csal?d, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, Mozgalom, N?pesed?s, Szex, Transzcendens)
Most of us have a pretty good idea of the disastrous impact of population growth on the environment but prefer not to talk about it because it raises difficult, controversial, and sometimes personal issues. [Részletek...]
English [20070407] [egyk?perny?s, j?t?k] Olvasási ido: 5 perc Bean-footbag: the game of the Little Prince Life-strategy (?kol?gia, Glob?lis k?pz?s)
Click the link and you can watch the show of world-championship. You can stitch your footbag yourself! It makes you remember the Globe and the poor! [Részletek...]
English [20080304] [el?ad?s] Olvasási ido: negyed?ra Millennium Development Goals: Humane or Hu-maniac (?kol?gia, Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, K?zgazdas?g, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Politika)
Lecture in the Hungarian Parliament, conference about the Millennium Development Goals, organised by UNDP on the World Day of Poverty, 17th Oct, 2007. [Részletek...]
English [20090328] [BOCS card, cikk, el?ad?s, statisztika] Olvasási ido: negyed?ra To stop climate change, we need family planning, too! (?kol?gia, Emberi jogok, Glob?lis k?pz?s, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Politika, Szex, Term?szet)
Declaration accepted by the Hungarian Green Movement on 30th March, 2008. Over-specialized experts rarely discover the correlation between climate change and overpopulation, although it is highly dependent on the density of population. [Részletek...]
English [20130413] [filmaj?nl?, interj?] Olvasási ido: f?l ?ra We need to limit population growth or the natural world will do it for us. (?kol?gia, Glob?lis k?pz?s, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Politika, Term?szet, Tudom?ny)
Describing mankind as a "plague on the Earth", veteran nature broadcaster Sir David Attenborough says we need to limit population growth or the natural world will do it for us. [Részletek...]
English [20030507] [el?ad?s] Olvasási ido: negyed?ra Everybody can listen to God the Creator. (?kol?gia)
How could religions come together for peace and ecology. [Részletek...]
English [20070727] [cikk, k?p, poszter, statisztika] Olvasási ido: 5 perc Global Education poster-folder (?kol?gia, Glob?lis k?pz?s, N?pesed?s)
Nice pictures, interesting figures and explanations brings the way of thinking on sustainability in its everyday use. The inner side of the folder is a useful poster for teachers, trainers. [Részletek...]
English [20060317] [partnersite, website] Olvasási ido: t?bb ?ra World Watch Institute (?kol?gia, B?ke, Csal?d, Eg?szs?g, Emberi jogok, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, K?zgazdas?g, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Politika)
WWI's main annual publication is The State of the World (since 1984). [Részletek...]
English [20121113] [el?ad?s, tanulm?ny] Olvasási ido: 5 perc Not aid only, but Sustainable Civilisation (?kol?gia, B?ke, Er?szakmentess?g, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, Mozgalom)
Lecture on \\ [Részletek...]
English [20050412] [k?nyvaj?nl?] Olvasási ido: 5 perc THE LIMITS TO GROWTH, THIRTY YEARS LATER (?kol?gia, Glob?lis k?pz?s, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, K?zgazdas?g, N?pesed?s, Politika)
A book first written over thirty years ago has been updated and re-published. Why is this important, and why should you read it? [Részletek...]
English [20031012] [k?nyv, tanulm?ny] Olvasási ido: t?bb ?ra Rapture of the Gospel (?kol?gia, Er?szakmentess?g, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, K?zgazdas?g, Kereszt?nys?g, Mozgalom)
The only English book of the Bokor movement [Részletek...]
English [20050306] [anim?ci?, egyk?perny?s, k?p, statisztika] Olvasási ido: 5 perc The agricultural land is per person is decreasing (?kol?gia, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Glob?lis k?pz?s, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, K?zgazdas?g, N?pesed?s)
Moving lines: the rate of lossing soil is higher and higher. [Részletek...]
English [20051126] [tanulm?ny] Olvasási ido: t?bb ?ra Education for a Sustainable Development, UN Decade 2005-2014 (?kol?gia, B?ke, Eg?szs?g, Emberi jogok, Fejleszt?si k?pz?s, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Harmadik vil?g, Igazs?goss?g, K?zgazdas?g, N?k egyenrang?s?ga, N?pesed?s, Politika)
Draft International Implementing Scheme, Jan. 2005, pdf, on the UNESCO webpage. [Részletek...]
English [20050219] [cikk] Olvasási ido: negyed?ra Population Growth Leading To Land Hunger (?kol?gia, B?ke, Harmadik vil?g, N?pesed?s)
What was behind the society collapse in Ruwanda? Future of the whole humankind? [Részletek...]
English [20060108] [anim?ci?, cikk] Olvasási ido: negyed?ra Overpopulation of the earth is not happening because people want so many children. (?kol?gia, Glob?lis k?pz?s, Igazs?goss?g, N?pesed?s)
Poverty can't be solved without stopping overpopulation. A szegénység nem oldható meg a népességrobbanás megfékezése nélkül. [Részletek...]
English [20130413] [filmaj?nl?, interj?] Olvasási ido: f?l ?ra “There is nothing that we can do” (?kol?gia, Glob?lis k?pz?s, K?rnyezeti nevel?s, Mozgalom, N?pesed?s, Term?szet, Tudom?ny)
We work only on the technical aspects, but we neglect the population factor completely ... So we will fail, because growth of population and living standards are much greater than we would save through efficiency and alternative energy. [Részletek...]
English [20030709] [website] Olvasási ido: t?bb ?ra Japan for Sustainability (?kol?gia)
Non-profit communication platform to disseminate environmental information from Japan to the world, with the aim of helping both move onto a sustainable path. [Részletek...]
English [20031003] [ismertet?, sajt?k?zlem?ny] Olvasási ido: f?l ?ra 2003 Right Livelihood Awards (RLA) (?kol?gia, B?ke, Igazs?goss?g, K?z?ss?g, Mozgalom)
The 2003 Right Livelihood Awards go to individuals and organisations from New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea and Egypt working for disarmament, justice, partnership and environmental sustainability. [Részletek...]
English [20110912] [el?ad?s, k?pz?s] Olvasási ido: egy ?ra Arithmetic, Population and Energy (?kol?gia, Emberi jogok, Glob?lis k?pz?s, K?zgazdas?g, N?pesed?s, Tudom?ny)
A talk by Dr. Albert Bartlett on the unsustainability of our growth at all costs [Részletek...]
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